Category Archives: Uncategorized

Jan 24 | 4:06pm

I love these little feet, peaking out from under the curtain.
They are cubby and remind me of the chunky baby he was.
They are tough, he often does not wear shoes and does not hesitate to run across gravel. 
They are the feet he will walk him into kinder, then school with in the coming years.
These little feet are going to take him many places and mine too as I try to keep up with him.



Jan 23 | 7:39am

Two cheeky monkey’s jumping on the bed




Jan 22 | 4:18pm

It was this kind of day today.
Perfect for couch snuggles and a movie.



Jan 21 | 12:29pm

These two.
I little story about our pup, we had not planned on getting one (me ever) my boys for a couple of years. Through a friend we were told she needed a home at only 9 weeks old how could we say no. Our youngest has always loved dogs and we figured they would be the best of friends, to our surprise a different realtionship unfolded. E can be a shy boy, he can be anxious in crowds and loves his mumma, he would keep me by his side at all times if possible. When we brought our Norah dog home he found a friend, someone to talk too and play with someone who didn’t want much in return and would always swap a cuddle for belly scratch and I am now glad for him that she came into our lives.

Jan 20 | 8:21am

What’s the best way down the stairs, racing on your bottom of course.

