Time is an interesting thing, something I am not very good at Keeping. My Husband would say my worst quality is that I’m always late. Time allows us to keep track of milestones good and bad.
Today July 15th is marks 5 months since the day that truly changed my sons life forever. It marks a time my inner mother strength shone and simultaneously broke with my heart, I felt gratitude for life. For the people around me. I also felt pain, a pain I had never before experienced one that hurt from the inside out.
Today I don’t have that pain, I remember it as I have a daily reminder on my sons face and the feeling in somewhat embedded in my brain.
I saw a dog yesterday different breed, on a lead being walked by it’s owner, seemly harmless but I immediately flashed back to that day, my inner subconscious screamed caution even though I was inside my car headed in the opposite direction, time is an interesting thing.
It may be that my little man has been unsettled at night, he seems to be extra cuddly and likes his comforts, it doesn’t happen every time I see a dog.
I am sure there will be a day I will feel different, a day in another time.